Bi-Directional Amplifiers | BDA Florida
Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) or repeaters are 2-way radio communications signal boosters that are used to ensure public safety in buildings during times of emergency. In the instance of an emergency, having good communication with first responders can be a matter of life or death. Having a BDA system is not only the smart things to have, but it is the law. UL 2524 and FS 633.202 code compliance requires that any building that is built must have a public safety permit which passes a radio survey test. This includes Commercial Buildings, Government Buildings, Schools, Hotels, Hospitals, Stadiums & Arenas, Convention Centers, Apartments, Assisted Living Facilites, Malls, Airport Terminals, and many others.
Our BDA Designs will comply with all your government mandates and will ensure that you have a healthy BDA system so that in the event of an emergency, first responders will have uninterrupted communication. Our BDA Systems will evenly spread coverage throughout the facility to provide equal wireless signal to avoid dead zones for communications. Call us today and let us work together to ensure you have all your BDA needs met.